Anti Ragging

Ragging has been strictly prohibited in the Siddhi College of pharmacy and it has been controlled by anti-ragging Committee.

Do’s and Don’ts to be maintained by students in college

  • Ragging in any form within or outside the college and hostels is totally banned. As per supreme court order, students involved in ragging activities shall be liable for punishment such as FIR with police, expulsion from the institute, debarring from university and fine Rs. 2,50,000/-
  • The student shall strictly obey the instructions given by the college from time to time.
  • Students should maintain complete silence and decorum in the college premises, campus, classrooms, library and corridors.
  • Minimum 80% attendance in theory and practical are mandatory to appear for university examination.
  • Use of mobile phone is strictly prohibited in the classrooms and laboratories.
  • The student shall display his/her i-Card.