According to the suggestions of Dr. P. N. Sable Principal, S.S.P. Shikshan Sanstha’s Siddhi College of Pharmacy Sports Committee, to start sports from 29th January 2024 at 9:00 am Sports started with Cricket with the inauguration of a match on 29th January 2024. The day 1st (29/1/2024) Cricket upto semi final matches of boys and girls was completed on 29/1/2024. The Cricket final matches of boys and girls was completed on 30th January 2024.

Kabaddi for boys and girls was held on 30th January 2024 & completed on 30th January 2024. Volleyball (Boys) & Throwball (Girls) were held on 31st January 2024, semifinal and final matches completed on 31st January 2024.

Running for boys and girls was started and completed on 1st february 2024. Chess & Carrom (Girls & boys) were started & completed on 1st February 2024. Carrom doubles (Boys & Girls) matches started on 1st February 2024 & Final matches were completed on 2nd February 2023.

On Friday 2nd February 2024 Tug of war (Boys & Girls) started & completed.